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Home Company In the News Looking Back on Embedded World 2022: Interview with VeriSilicon and MicoEJ

Looking Back on Embedded World 2022: Interview with VeriSilicon and MicoEJ


(Source: MicroEJ) 

MicroEJ attended Embedded World 2022, one of the famous IoT events in Germany that offers the opportunity to exchange and maintain valuable contacts with our partners and customers. Our partner VeriSilicon introduced on its booth how our software container MICROEJ VEE and their IP solution provide manufacturers a turnkey solution to design rich user interfaces experiences on resource-constrained embedded devices. Take a look at our interview with Martyn Humphries SVP & GM Worldwide Sales & Advanced Platforms at VeriSilicon, to know more about our solution:

MicroEJ: Can you introduce us to your business model and the context of your collaboration with MicroEJ?

Martyn Humphries: Today, some manufacturers would like to design their own devices but haven’t embedded or software engineers to customize their solutions. VeriSilicon is committed to providing a full turnkey solution to customers with personalized platform-based, all-round, one-stop custom silicon services and semiconductor IP licensing services leveraging its in-house semiconductor IP. Under the unique “Silicon Platform as a Service” (SiPaaS®) business model, depending on the comprehensive IP portfolio, VeriSilicon creates silicon products from definition to test and package in a short period and provides high-performance and cost-efficient semiconductor alternative products for fabless, IDM, system vendors (OEM/ODM), large internet companies and cloud service provider, etc.

When NXP had chosen our Vivante GCNanoLite-V IP to build their next-gen i.MX-RT595 Crossover, MICROEJ VEE software container was a natural choice, as our combined technologies follow the same cost-oriented logic and address the same markets.

Why choose MicroEJ?

One of the biggest challenges in the industry today is the diversification of applications with a small memory footprint. The “optimized software” is a specialist area that is not our core business. MICROEJ VEE bridges software innovation with hardware innovations, enabling full scalability from conception to the development of a whole new line of products thanks to a joint software and hardware components approach: assembling reusable hardware and software assets thanks to secure software containers. It is a “must-have” solution that combines simplicity and reliability, particularly suited for customers looking for a fast track to profitable innovations.

How does MicroEJ help you magnify your IP solutions?

VeriSilicon and MicroEJ synergy complement the “Silicon Platform as a Service” (SiPaaS®) concept with the “write- once, run everywhere,” enabling an extraordinary fast path for electronic system definition, both hardware and software, to test and package them in a short period. As soon the MICROEJ VEE secure container runs on the new chip, all the previous software assets run the same, transparently leveraging the new hardware innovation from VeriSilicon IP built in the new chip. It makes it possible to run legacy complex software on new integrated VeriSilicon IP-based hardware to save time and effort and facilitate product updates to keep up with hardware innovations. Engineering teams can parallelize software and hardware development phases through the use of virtual devices that drastically simplify and accelerate software development. So that helps magnify VeriSilicon’s business as they see more and more customers wanting to go into new and different markets.

Which markets will be targeted by this combined solution?

This solution is specifically well suited for large volume markets, where BoM is a matter while still providing rich User Interfaces Experiences (vector graphics, free type fonts, smooth animations) on resource-constrained embedded devices.

It suits particularly well Smart Home, Appliances, and Wearables manufacturers willing to develop their own SoC or MCU, specifically tailored to their needs; it is perfect for semi-conductor manufacturers seeking to offer an all-in-one software and hardware solution for sharp-looking graphics for cost-effective electronic devices.







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Embedded Vivante GPU, Vision, and IoT cores
Embedded Vivante Dedicated Vision IP
ZSP Digital Signal Processors
Hantro Video Encoder and Decoder IP
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